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How to Deal With A Painful Breakup and Begin to Enjoy Your Life Again!

Why would anyone want to be with someone that was not enjoying themselves? If you are not having fun in you life, then you cannot possibly seem like a fun person to date or even be with. And while you might be feeling miserable because you are not dating anyone, that very feeling may be what is pushing people away.

Since you probably want to attract people that are fun loving, you need to start looking at your life as though it were meant to be a happy journey, because it is.

Life is meant to be joyous and fulfilling, and when you do not actively seek out this happiness, you are standing in the way of your own possibility.

If you are facing a potential break up or separation with a loved one, you need to reflect on your own life again and learn to see the truth of what is really happening instead of only complaining about your life and relationship. Many times, a break up comes about because we forget to see whether we are really standing in the way of our own possibility. Let us know look at the case study of one of my friends, Donny, to see what this means.

When Donny first broke up with his ex-girlfriend, he was bitter and angry. He thought that she was the perfect person for him and that he treated her lovingly. The breakup was a shock to him, even more a shock was her announcement to be married within a month of the end of their relationship.

He was mad and began to sit at home, feeling sorry for himself, even hating himself. He felt like a loser and he felt that life was unfair to him. When he was not at home, we would go to the bars and complain about his ex to whoever was in the room.

To Donny, he thought that he was simply processing what was a very hard time in his life. He was getting it out of his system. But in reality, he was creating negative energy that was being thrown at the rest of the people in the room.

Do you think anyone wanted to date him then?

Thankfully for Donny, he became sick of feeling sorry for himself and started taking tennis lessons again. He used to love playing tennis and had not played since the breakup.

He started playing every day, even by himself when he was not being taught. he began to appreciate what he has at the moment. Soon, he forgot about his painful breakup and began to enjoy his life again.

Because of this new-found love for something, he began to smile more often and was friendly to others. That got him noticed by women - beautiful women that wanted to know more about who he was. And when he did talk to these women, they were surprised that he was recently single - they figured that everyone wanted to date him.